ISO 45001 Certification - Occupational Health and Safety
ISO 45001 Assurance Program
ISO 45001 and Client Charter
All organisations
Certificate of Confidence
3 years, subject to on-going requirements
Certification gives confidence to the organisation, workers and others interested parties in its ability to meet occupational health and safety requirements aimed at eliminating work-related injury and illness.

Why ISO 45001?
A safe and healthy workplace is a productive workplace. Our ISO 45001 Assurance Program provides a sound basis for any organisation looking to establish confidence in their ability to consistently meet relevant OH&S requirements, and for improving OH&S performance. It can be integrated into, any of our other assurance programs.
Benefits of ISO 45001 Certification
Stakeholder Involvement
Building a ISO 45001 certified operational health and safety management system necessitates the participation of internal stakeholders at all levels of organisation
Raise Employee Morale
ISO 45001 tells your current and prospective employees that your business is taking active steps to ensure their safety in the workplace
Improve your Bottom Line
ISO 45001 certification improves productivity by creating a system that efficiently mitigates the risks and costs associated with workplace safety
Above & Beyond WHS Standards
With an ISO 45001 certification, your company not only complies with, but surpasses Work Health and Safety (WHS) legal requirements
How do I get Certified?
As an organisation, the steps involved for you are:
1. Applying for certification:
Review and accept our customised Proposal, and you’re underway!
2. Achieving certification:
Firstly, a pre-certification audit or “test run” will be conducted either on-site (at your premises) or off-site (at our premises) or both, to see whether your management systems are suitable. Areas of concern will be reported. Once concerns have been actioned, an on-site certification audit will be conducted, where we will examine the extent to which you address the program criteria. Areas of concern will be reported. Once we are satisfied there are no outstanding issues that present an unacceptable risk to you, your employees, customers, regulators, Equal Assurance or others, we can proceed to issue a Certificate of Confidence. Well done!

3. Maintaining certification:
Depending on the level of risk, we will conduct a series of surveillance audits (and in some cases special and follow-up audits) and tri-ennial re-certification audits, to examine the extent to which you continue to address the program criteria. Areas of concern will be reported. So long as we continue to be satisfied there are no outstanding issues that present an unacceptable risk to you, your employees, customers, regulators, Equal Assurance or others, your certification remains valid.
Your next step:
Further details regarding the specific requirements of ISO 45001 and other ISO certifications around Australia are provided in our 'Equal Assurance' Client Charter. This and other relevant documentation are available by contacting EQAS Certification on +61 8 83382771, and we can prepare a Proposal at no cost. If you already have a proposal simply contact us with any query.
EQAS Certification is a practice member of 'Equal Assurance', a world-wide confederation of independent certifying auditor practices and accredited partners that provides a range of internationally accredited management system assurance programs and certifications across Australia, New Zealand, and overseas.
ISO 45001 Certification FAQs
What does ISO 45001 certified mean?
ISO 45001 is an international standard that stipulates the obligations of an organisation when it comes to Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) management systems. Having the certifications means that a business has a framework in place for keeping their workers safe from any potential risks that may arise from the performance of their duties.​
What are ISO 45001 requirements?
While ISO 45001 applies to any organisation no matter the size or industry, the standard considers critical factors such as the organisation's unique operating context and worker expectations. The general principles that organisations must comply with, no matter the context, are:​
Constant improvement of the worker’s safety in the performance of their duties.
Fulfill all legal obligations and requirements in terms of occupation hazard and safety.
Achieve the internal goals for the OHS management system.
Why is ISO 45001 important?
Worker safety is an essential aspect of keeping an organisation running. ISO 45001 helps keep employees performing at the best of their abilities by minimising work-related risks.
With an ISO 45001 certification, a business can reduce overhead costs by minimising downtime costs due to workplace accidents or illnesses. It may also keep insurance premiums low by the decreased incidence of accidents.
Other than minimising injuries and illnesses, organisations certified to 45001 attract more qualified employees because of the safer working environment. The quality and longevity of workers work hand in hand in improving the organisation's overall performance across the board.